Am happy to be home for a few days. I came back because I'm teaching Stampscapes class at Angela's Happy Stamper. This is one of my favorite classes to teach. It's the intro class and once folks realize how Stampscapes work, they are thrilled!
This scene was done on Stampboard, which has a white chalky surface you can cut into. The images were stamped in dye black and then the color was added with a stylis tool. Then the scratch tool was applied and the white shows through. So easy and so fun! Stampscapes has a great web site if you want to know more. Or, come take a class! I offer a Stampscapes class at least once every couple of months.
Hello Marilynn. Just wanted you to know I tried to subscribe but the link takes me to someone's elses blog. I'm manually adding you to my google reader, but don't know if I do that you actually KNOW that I've subscribed. Great class today. I know I ordered too many stamps, but I'm hooked on stampscapes!